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Mankind Is Obsolete
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Mankind Is Obsolete albums
When people who haven’t heard of Mankind is Obsolete ask for a description of what they sound like, things get tricky. The super short description would be industrial, since their sound fits well with bands like I:Scintilla, Kidneythieves, and Helalyn Flowers. Songs like “Parasite” and “Trapped Inside” spit, growl, and drag you through the cataclysmic heavy fallout world that this band thrives in.
But the second they’re placed in that category, lead singer Natasha Cox will belt out soft lilting vocals on a song like “Troubled Dreams” or the band will pull back their heavy exterior for a more acoustic close and personal song like “Fading” and suddenly that label falls apart.
This multifaceted sound is readily apparent on Mankind is Obsolete’s newest release entitled “Trapped Inside”. Produced by the immensely talented Silvia Massy and Jim Wood, “Trapped Inside” is the bands biggest accomplishment to date and also stands out as being their first fully collaborative cd.
In order to describe their sound it’s important to know the people that create the aural firework display that’s rises, falls, and explodes when you least expect it. Already mentioned, Natasha Cox is the incredibly versatile female front who co-founded the band in Los Angeles, CA in 2002 with her longtime friend and sonic drummer Jon Siren. Together, their amorphic sound is joined by keyboardist Brian DiDomenico, guitarist Scott Landes, and bassist Joe D’Ambra. In the spring of 2008 the band was rejoined by bassist Gordon Bash.
Five individuals fused together to form one cohesive vision. Each unique and each bringing with them an energy level that allows them to tour relentlessly yet still blow the doors off of any venue regardless of its size or location. Drop this band off in front of 200 people in a cornfield, or a sold out show in Arizona, or a flooded basement club in Detroit and they will tear down the walls (or corn stalks) and play as if it’s the last show they will ever get to play on Earth.
So who/what is Mankind Is Obsolete? Coldwave? Music for the Apocalypse? Electronic Destruction? Kidney Thieves meets Ministry meets Nine Inch Nails meets KMFDM meets Snake River Conspiracy meets etc…? Yes to all of the above. Their sound is a constantly shifting anomalous life form. If their art had a physical embodiment it would undoubtedly be some type of Transformer.
The second you think you know where this band is going, they will take a hard right through a modulated barricade and send your ears careening 600 feet off a sheer cliff of resonance. Whether you’re listening to their cd, reading about them online, or watching them in concert, make sure you thank whatever higher power you want for allowing a truly talented band like Mankind Is Obsolete to exist in an age of watered down radio friendly pop nonsense.| |
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