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GONZO ~ Bizarre; unconventional.|ELECTRO ~ Pertaining to electricity, produced by electricity|NOISE ~ A loud outcry or commotion|POP ~ Of or for the general public; popular or popularized
We are four wildly individual individuals who agree on nothing and create music as a way to bruise and bully one another into some consensus. The ultimate outcome is a lot of crying and hugging and making up and music that makes you feel as though you were a galactic watermelon seed shot through the teeth of God.
We’ve set every standard for electronic music over the past 10 years only to find that everyone else had the same stinking ideas a few nano-seconds later. Since the entire universe is ripping us off we’ve had to keep our steely nerves pointed inward like daggers poised over aortas of our hearts.
There can be no end to this struggle for without the constant mud-slinging and name calling there could be no reunion and love making and thus nothing new for you to listen to and found your future goals and opinions upon. Without MARVELKiND there would be no 21st century, so remember that. We work for you.
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