Nin Kuji Albums |
album | date | label |
sayonara | 10 November 2010 | |
medicine man | 2 January 2007 | |
sayonara (album 2010) | | |
shàngtian | stage version (single 2011) | | |
vision quest (ep 2009) | | |
some of these moments (ep 2006) | | |
the extasex hoax (album 2006) | | |
Some Of These Moments | 20 March 2006 | |
propagierte haesslichkeit (ep 2006) | | |
no way out (album 2004) | | |
Propagierte Haesslichkeit | 15 January 2006 | |
Vision Quest: The Medicine Man - Jamsessions | 1 January 2009 | |
hypocritical? (album 2002) | | |
liveset 2006june (live-album 2006) | | |
Shàngtian (stage version) | 1 January 2011 | |
A Night With Michael | 2002 | |
spekula (ep 2004) | | |
no way out again (remix-album 2005) | | |
a.n.w.m. (ep 2002) | | |
medicine man | mini-cd edt. (ep 2007) | | |
ncf5 utrecht | set 2009march (live-album 2009) | | |
liveset 2007-march (live-album 2007) | | |
disko foier! (ep 2004) | | |
tribal noise (single 2002) | | |
:stimmen in u-haft: (album 2002) | | |
d.t.p.e. diving through psychoactive electronics (album 2002) | | |
an(a)esthetic (ep 2004) | | |
your licence to kill (ep 2004) | | |
dying for the clan (ep 2001) | | |
streetwalking (single 2002) | | |
7y (single 2005) | | |
between (ep 2003) | | |
ea9 (live-album 2008) | | |
live at bk me (live-album 2004) | | |
live in cologne - bunkernacht 2004 (live-album 2004) | | |
silent emotions | ORN vs Nin Kuji (ep 2002) | | |
tot-muede | mini-cd edt. (ep 2002) | | |
the next level | Tanks Under Fire vs Nin Kuji (ep 2002) | | |
remix ep | Störfunk vs Nin Kuji (remix-ep 2003) | | |
mastaz fight | Daxter Ryu vs Nin Kuji (mc-single 1998) | | |
seven acts of horror | JunkieKiller vs Nin Kuji (ep 2004) | | |
aijo - du und ich | Ottilie Herbst vs Nin Kuji (ep 2003) | | |
the noise of voice meets larry brent | Point Zero vs Nin Kuji (ep 2001) | | |
sacrifice | Scarcode vs Nin Kuji (single 2005) | | |
darcore | Tina.S vs Nin Kuji (single 2006) | | |
external remixes (collection) | | |
compilation releases (collection) | | |
der totale krieg | Die Letzten Erben vs Nin Kuji (ep 2001) | | |