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Pashya pictures
Pashya biography
Pashya songs
Pashya albums
Pashya was a visual kei band signed to the UNDER CODE PRODUCTION label.|Before starting pashya all four members belonged to the rather short-lived vk band ルフィー嬋命~RUEPHY ALIVE~. Vocalist 朋 (former Miyamichi) has also been a member of the bands S and 雀羅. Vocalist Tomo has retired as vocals for Pashya therefore finding a new vocalist, Io.(former 苺69。(Ichigo69.))
Member Line-up:
Vo.: 伊緒 (Io)|Gu.: 秋都 (Akito) → chariots → 凛 -the end of corruption world-|Ba.: 聖 (Hijiri)|Dr.: 零也 (Reiya) → chariots → 凛 -the end of corruption world-
[2006.02.15] 優白な聲 (1st Single)|[2006.08.02] 「虹」 (2nd Single)|[2006.09.06] マザー (3rd Single)|[2007.02.14] Decadence 2007 Human Vicious (V.A.-オムニバ-) 1曲参加 : 「碧イ街」|[2007.05.16] 魅惑ヒロイン (4th Single)|[2007.06.27] 誘惑ヴィーナス (5th Single)|[2007.07.18] 愛育エンジェル (6th Single)|[2007.10.17] Best of epilogue (Best Album)
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