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Pirigulino Babilake
Pirigulino Babilake pictures
Pirigulino Babilake biography
Pirigulino Babilake songs
Pirigulino Babilake albums
A Pirigulino Babilake é composta por Pietro Leal, Guto Miranda, Gugu Pinto, Vinícius Nunes, Thiago Gomes e Davi Brandão. Criado em 2005, o grupo começou tocando em encontros estudantis e desde então, vem participando de eventos com nomes consagrados. Sob influências de grandes nomes da Música Popular Brasileira apresenta no palco uma mistura de ritmos, que vai do samba-rock, ao reggae, funk, baião e maracatu.
O pré-lançamento do CD Rosa Fubá será no dia 6 de fevereiro no Teatro Vila Velha, mais informações em breve.
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Pirigulino Babilake is a group from Salvador, Bahia, Brazil, consisting of 6 members (Pietro (voice and song compositions), Gugu, Guto, Vinícius (bass), Thiago Gomes (drums) and Davi (guitar). Pirigulino [as they’re know among their fans], plays a very diverse mixture of rhythms including MPB (Brazilian Popular Music), Pop, Rock, Samba, Cordel, Baião, as well as other songs rooted on northeastern culture and their own compositions, which are deeply influenced by those songs and artists they cover and make versions of.
The group’s name, Pirigulino Babilake was inspired by a song called “Pirigulino Babilake, o Cara do Farol” [roughly Pirigulino Babilake, the guy of the semaphore]. Some say Pirigulino Babilake was a clown who performed little shows in the semaphores for some money.
The group started with Pietro, Gugu, Guto and Ronie, with the latter as their bassist. They’ve made concerts in many important Brazilian cities including Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Maceió (AL), Palmas (TO) and others. However, Ronie decided he had to leave the group, for some reason, and that’s when Mynduym came in and replaced him in the bass, subsequently becoming the group’s drummer and making room for the arrival of Vinícius (old group members’ friend and Guto’s brother) who assumed the bass, and some time later, Davi joined ‘em in and is now the group’s guitarist.
Some of their most notable compositions include Trapezistas no Colchão, which was the winner of the Unifest (University Musical Award) by the end of 2006, and Coisa de Mulher. Extra information is availble on their website (in Portuguese), including pictures, their history, concert schedule and one album of their songs available as mp3s.
Pirigulino Babilake will release their first album on february 6th at Vila Velha Theater (Teatro Vila Velha, Salvador - BA, Brasil)
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