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Relatives Menschsein
Relatives Menschsein pictures
Relatives Menschsein biography
Relatives Menschsein songs
Relatives Menschsein albums
Relatives Menschsein is a German darkwave band formed in the early 1990s. The group, fronted by Lissy Mödl and Jörg Wolfgram followed the movement in music, “neue deutsche todeskunst” (New German Death Art). They were signed to label Danse Macabre, founded by the members of Das Ich.
Their first album, Gefallene Engel, was released in Germany in 1992 on Danse Macabre. The album featured six tracks and was produced by Bruno Kramm.
The band’s next album, Die Ewigkeit was released later in 1993. The album featured two more tracks, guest Thar on guitar and was mixed again by Bruno Kramm. Horst Braun also mixed, produced and recorded the album.
Thanatos, the first-ever full-length album from Relatives Menschsein was released in 2002 on Alice In… This 2-CD album featured live versions of tracks, as well as lyrics and vocals provided by female vocalist Lissy Mödl.
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