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Runaway Cab
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Runaway Cab biography
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Runaway Cab albums
Runaway Cab is a rock band from the Raleigh / Durham / Chapel Hill area of North Carolina. RC Formed in 1998 and consisting of two sets of high school buds Chad Hough (drums) and Matthew Cloutier(guitar), Ned Clark (vocals) and Jeremy Bone (bass), as well as Erich Brunk (guitar) and Andrew Parkinson (keys).
Runaway Cab has gained nationwide recognition through placements on every major network television station. Their music has been featured on NBC’s Las Vegas, CBS’ Cold Case, the WB’s One Tree Hill, ABC’s Notes From the Underbelly and Foxs’ Skin. Through the combination of this exposure, touring to establish a loyal following, a powerful rhythm with edgy guitars and a modern sense of melody, Runaway Cab finds a way to feel new yet familiar all in one moment.
|Runaway Cab has unfailingly delivered high-energy modern rock since 1998 having played over 1000 shows in the last ten years. From the release of their first album, On The Upside in 2000, through the 2002 EP Time and Burnout in 2004, RC has cultivated a hard-rock edge while retaining their signature captivating melodies and inspired lyrics.
|Runaway Cab is currently in the studio! They are also writing new material for an upcoming release that should be ready just in time for summer.
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