Musician who had performed with 2 AK Oki popular models in magazines HIPHOP joined by Sophia, founded in 2007.|Boxer mean surfer and model, with three each individual.|The music side of Hawaii Reggae “Jawaiian” inspired work started.|Japan prior to his debut, was to play a long-awaited debut in Hawaii on June 24, 2008|Hawaidebyuarubamu “808” is up to the local shop “BOARDERS” also topped the sales.|From late July 2008, Hawaii’s most popular brand in Japan “88Tees” CM CM of Hawaii as a character but on air.|Then, two months behind in Hawaii. August 27 “sound Tears” debuted in Japan.|In November, Fuji TV drama “Taro celebrities and poverty,” Song was recently appointed as the 2nd single “Hero” was released.|3rd single “Goodbye to love this,” the Chaku-Uta (R) in Blake.|A single plane and two 4th “liar / If you need to separate that day,” also distributed DL topped 200,000, “the lyrics can relate to love,” established his style.|Force alone in January 2010 1st album “romance” was released.|Specific conceptual album lyrics Love has been highly acclaimed with long sales from various quarters.
[AK]|Rap and vocals with the music charge. Outstanding sense of melody there will be nuclear Safarii. The surfers also love nature. [Oki]|Native-born vocalist singing to express their feelings in a reticent personality. While aspirations to improve the mind, which led to boxing. [Sophia]|Half of Ethiopian popular model system. With a unique voice and sense Safarii only female vocalists shine in terms of music. |