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Samsas Traum
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Samsas Traum biography
Samsas Traum songs
Samsas Traum albums
“Samsas Traum” was evoked in 1996 by Alexander Kaschte as solo-project, resulting from his incapability of working together with other musicians. Having performed as vocalist and guitarist in several Black-, Death-, Doom- and Melodic-Metal-Bands before, he decided to walk his own paths, to step forward into the wide fields of darker electronic and neoclassical music.
The first demo-tape “Nostalgische Atavismen” sold more than 500 copies in the worldwide underground, slowly spreading the news that “Samsas Traum” someday might become more than a very strange little band with even stranger german vocals. After recording and releasing two more demo- and promo-tapes, the band signed their record deal with “Trisol Music Group Germany” (London After Midnight, Sopor Aeternus, L’âme Immortelle) on the 1st of march 1999, exactly three years after the bands foundation. The chief-manager of “Trisol” got to know about “Samsas Traum” randomly; he was phoning “Orkus Magazine” concerning adverts, and the person in charge listened to the bands’ latest promo-release while talking to him.
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