He’s a home producer/ Composer/ Arranger, who is having a lot of fun with making music.|He love’s a lot of styles, so his tracks can be very different.|Because of that it is hard for him to describe what his style is.|His music interest goes from classic to metal and all in between.|What he likes to produce is Music which is suitable for moving your feet, in one way or another.|He’s born in 1966 in Holland and still lives there.|He was a DJ for 12 years and plays guitar and keyboard.|He also did sound & light engineering at a company where you could hire those equipment.|Musically, he only did jamming with friends and most of them already played in bands, which was a good thing for him because he learned a lot from it.|In 1997 he started fooling around with samples, and started producing music on his computer, Except the use of samples was replaced by creating the sounds by himself. |In the meantime his studio at home did grow a lot in the past years.|He uses a combination of hardware, software, and real instruments.|While it is a hobby for him, some tracks could be heard on radio stations and compilations from other artists, and his music can be found on the internet for whoever likes it. |