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Seven Places
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Seven Places is simply this – a ministry driven, evangelistic rock band with very legitimate music. You will be hooked by this sound and the lyrics. In a time when so many bands place the mark of legitimacy on mainstream success, Seven Places is interested in an altar call. “Our name’s about the seven places Jesus Christ bled from to save us from our sins,” explains Seth Gilbert, singer for Seven Places. “His hands cover the sinful things we’ve done with our hands. His feet cover the places of sin we’ve walked. His back covers all the times we’ve turned our back on Him, and His side, which is really from His heart, allows our hardened hearts to be softened. It’s all about His blood and the fact that we’re being covered by it at all points.”
The Seven Places guys are from southern Oregon and have a long family history in the Calvary Chapel environment. Tyler Jones, guitarist for Seven Places comments, ”The Calvary Chapel system was initially created for hippies on the beach in southern California to hear the gospel. They were kids that were a little out of the box from the mainstream church at the time, but the worship was amazing and it spoke to them. They were getting saved right where they were, in their environment. We’ve just carried that original philosophy into our band. We want to impact kids right where they are.” Indeed they have. Seth and Tyler, together with Seth’s little brother Jeffrey on drums, and Donnie Vizzini on bass began playing for their youth group at a weekly worship event. That number went from 100 to 1,000 kids and stayed that way for two years. Shortly thereafter, Seven Places signed a record deal with BEC Recordings and hit the studio with producer Aaron Sprinkle (Kutless, Jeremy Camp) to record their debut release, Lonely For The Last Time. Clearly, Sprinkle’s indie-rock meets power pop sensibilities gelled well with Seven Places’ pre-existing sound on the disc’s eleven choice cuts, which are loaded with electric urgency, towering crescendos, and a hint of the alternative underground, designated to please listeners of various genre interests. Tyler sums up the band’s approach to writing by saying, “I strive for honesty, and I realize a lot of other songwriters do the same thing, but sometimes they don’t point to anything eternal in the end. It’s fine to share your feelings in really emotional and expressive manners, but in the end thoughts have to be brought back to the Lord.”
|Specifically, songs like “Stay the Same” (an ode to self-esteem); “Thinking It Over” (about making difficult life choices) and “Yours” (revolving worshipful adoration) echo such sentiments, as does the anthemic title cut about finding identity in Christ. The punchy radio ready rocker “Like It Never Happened” is a plea for listeners to forget their sinful past, while “Western Wall” was inspired by Seth’s recent trip to Israel. “I gained a new love and appreciation for all of the history of Israel and the Jewish people,” he explains. “But I also saw the community weakened and really struggling by depressing economic times. I wrote ‘Western Wall’ in response to that situation as an encouragement to those feeling dry in their walk with the Lord.”
|Beyond any hit single, a spot on any coveted tour, or the quest for longevity, Seven Places’ members would rather focus on the ministering elements of such songs. Unlike some bands with Christian members who get their start on the spiritual scene in hopes of crossing over to the mainstream, Seven Places’ specifically strives to edify the body of Christ and revive hurting listeners’ faith. “We’re about presenting a faith that is real and relevant to young people that have grown up in the church and we’re hear to remind them that this isn’t just their parents’ God,” Seth concludes. “It’s about getting a message of hope to those that have been burnt out in their walk and getting them back on track.”|
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