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SINEW out of Marburg, Germany, have managed to find their own niche in only 3 years of existence by creating a sound that combines elements of DREDG, TOOL and MUSE. The band coined the term “Cinemascopic Alternative Rock” for this epic mixture. Sinew came together in 2004, when guitarist Andreas Mette and bassist Sotirios Kelekidis left the melodic-punk-band Psycho Gambola to seek for new musical challenges after the release of four records with this outfit. After some line-up changes and a self-released MCD in 2004 the band found a steady line-up completed by Sascha Junker (vocals, keyboards, percussion) and Sascha Christ (drums, samples) and managed to find and develop their sound as it is today. VISIONS magazine featured the band in their Unexplored Area in November 2006, acknowledging the closeness to the hymnic moments of Dredg but at the same time attesting Sinew the ability to create a very unique atmosphere of their own. Their official debut record “The Beauty Of Contrast” presents 12 songs of progressive-power-rock meets indie-guitar-pop in a way you will definitely not hear from any band out of Germany and hardly from any band in the world: catchy, melodic, dramatic, urgent and vulnerable with lyrics that deal with more important things than relationship drama and broken hearts. Sascha Junker (lyrics) is more concerned with the plight of humans in an over-rationalized world and the search for a way out of it, matching the depth of the music with a depth in meaning. “The Beauty of Contrast” was released in February 2008 through ALVERAN RECORDS.
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