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Starsplash pictures
Starsplash biography
Starsplash songs
Starsplash albums
Starsplash are Charly Lownoise and Franky Tunes.
Charly has been in the dancescene for many years. He has been producing music since 1992 and also got his own label, Seashore Music. He has had big success with his longtime partner Mental Theo, with whom he formed the “crazy” duo Charly Lownoise & Mental Theo.
Franky Tunes has been producing music under the Pseudonym Topmodelz.
Starsplash started out back in 2001 with the hit single ‘wonderful days’.
In March 2002, The groups debut album ‘Here We Go Again’ was released. The Album had 3 single releases in total.
In June 2003, The 2nd CD album was released titled ‘Friends’. Also included 3 single releases.
In October 2004, 3rd CD Album ‘Back By Popular Demand’. Included a few more singles plus the popular tune ‘Hardstyle’.
In 2005, ‘Cold As Ice’ was released as a CDM.
‘Maximum Inside’ a 3X CD Compilation set was compiled by Starsplash.
Not much is known on the current status of the group.
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