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swimming in speakers
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swimming in speakers biography
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From their first meeting in October 2008, self-taught multi-instrumentalist Chris Clarke and lead vocalist Meadow Eliz knew they wanted to write music together. The snowy, subzero climate of Saranac Lake, New York, lent itself well to winter days spent creating and recording in Chrisʼs home studio, where they crafted the “Swimming in Speakers EP” armed with a Casio, a laptop and a hodge-podge of analog equipment. Jo Sorrell (cello) and Justin Grizzoffi (percussion and guitars) add nuance to the tracks, and local NPR station NCPR granted access to their brand new studio for additional recording and mixing.
Swimming in Speakers, the eponymous E.P., is the pairʼs first collection of demo recordings. From the smoothly burbling synth pop of “In Knowing” to the slippery delicacy of “Near My Ear” and the lilting twists and turns of “Nevergreen,” Swimming In Speakersʼ sound defies easy categorization.
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