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Synthia Figueroa
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Synthia Figueroa biography
Synthia Figueroa songs
Synthia Figueroa albums
Synthia Figueroa BIO 2000| | |The newest addition to the latin invasion comes Synthia Figueroa with her debut album titled “DREAMING”. Synthia entered the music scene in 1998 with the release of her first single “You Were Meant For Me” which was very popular on mixshows throughout the east and west coast.
She electrified audiences all over the tri state area with her strong stage show and hot sexy presence. |With the success of her first single came the making of her second |titled “Touch me” which recieved even more radio attention as wild 94.9 in San Jose spun it heavily on the west coast, then followed Power 105 in Sacramento, Along with 90.5 KSJS in San Jose who also played “Touch me” heavily on its weekly mixshow. Soon there after her home town station in New York KTU 103.5 started playing it on their weekly mixshow and became a smash hit. Texas stations followed after that and like a dominoe affect stations across the country joined in, and in no time Synthia Figueroa was becoming a very well known dance/ freestyle diva.
With all the success from her first two releases Artistik Recordings knew it was the perfect time for an album. Producer Willie “Valentin” Rivera (who has worked with George Lamond, Coro, M:G, Nyasia, etc.) went to work on the album and wrote half the songs including her third single and album title “Dreaming”. After about a month “Dreaming” the album was completed. “Dreaming” features her first two hits “You were meant for me” and “Touch me” along with her new single “Dreaming”. There is also a duet with Producer/ artist Willie Valentin titled “Love you, Need you”.
Standouts on the album include: “Thinking about you”, Pop R&B cut titled “All the little things” (which has a PINK feel), and a remake of the Shyrells hit “Will you still love me tomorrow?”. Synthia will be featured on tour alongside Willie Valentin throughout 38 states on the Miss Belleza Latina Beauty pageant starting in October 2000.
Experience Synthia Figueroa for yourself and you’d swear your “Dreaming”…
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