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The Kabeedies
The Kabeedies pictures
The Kabeedies biography
The Kabeedies songs
The Kabeedies albums
The Kabeedies are an amazingly upbeat, vibrant and unique four-piece band consisting of Evan - vocals/guitar, Fab - drums, Katie - vocals, and Roary - vocals/bass.
The band from Norwich/Woodbridge, England are self-described as being a suspicious gathering of some boys and a girl producing shit pop music.
They have a definite edge of experimentation, with a wide use of vocals and lyrics that can both bewilder and provide great meaning to the listener. Despite this unique flair The Kabeedies have a wide variety of influences such as Bjorn, The Smiths, Blur, Blondie, The Strokes, Devo, and Buddy Holly.
Their debut Album ‘Rumpus’ is availiable now from ‘Rumpus’ is the debut album from this British band, having previously released a string of EPs since 2008.
‘Rumpus’ is one of those albums that makes time fly bye when you listen, the tracks compliment each other in such a way that it often becomes difficult to determine when one ends, and another begins.
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