| The Others Songs | Fallout | First Flight | Africa VIP | King Pin | The Way You Make Me | Fun House | Stargate | Bad Taste | Lackey | Quantum Leap | The Way You Make Me (Original Mix) | William | My Friend the Wizard | Bushido | Freakshow | Bazooka | Planet X | Go | Africa | Showdown / Polaris | Titania | Red Planet | Stan Bowles | Gravity | This Is For The Poor | The Way You Make Me (S.P.Y Remix) | Dot 2 Dot | The Way You Make Me - Original Mix | Say to You | Ganja Man | Spaceman | The Way You Make Me (Original Sin Remix) | Karma | How I Nearly Lost You | Almanac | Move Your Body | Hear Dis Style | Revenge | Flapjak Dub | First Flight VIP | Flap Jack | Flapjack | Break Your Neck | Splinter In My Soul | Psychovision | The Truth That Hurts | Flapjack Dub | Underworld | Feel It | Absolutely Flawless |