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The Upstairs Room
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The Upstairs Room biography
The Upstairs Room songs
The Upstairs Room albums
The Upstairs Room is a DJ artist from central Ohio who has dabbled in a variety of musical styles throughout his years of music composition. Using plenty of contemporary music samples and often a quirky edge to each song, he works at creating a sound which echoes the composing styles of DJ’s such as Girl Talk, The Avalanches, and primarily Fatboy Slim. The Upstairs Room’s first exposure to other audiences outside of family and friends was on, where he still uploads music regularly. Over the span of about two years, he has compiled six albums including (in order): Petite Squealer, Pop Tart Architecture, Electric Spaghetti Mountain, The Porcelain Warrior, Rambunctious Oatmeal Seductions, and a yet-to-be-named 2008 release. The Upstairs Room’s “Barry Gray Mix” has been featured on a radio station in Akron, Ohio on a radio show run by a friend of the family. Thus far, he has mixed hundreds of tracks and is most fond of his mixes “They’re Coming to Take Me Away, Ha Haa”, “Set the Shopping Carts On Fire”, “Movin’ Around”, “Upgrade Computer”, “Uncle Garage Door”, and “James Bond Jam”.
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