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Timecry albums
Formed in 2007, Timecry leads the way of a new generation of melodic death metal. Combining fast and heavy guitar riffing with an intricate array of synthesizers, together with the powerful screams and deep lyrics of The Roy Timecry now proceeds to take on the world!
In 2008, Timecry released their debut EP, aptly named Timecry, with which they introduced their inventive style of modern metal. Even though Timecry was never released in a physical form, its internet release attracted a large group of devoted fans, spread across the globe.
2009 saw the release of a second EP, Dreams. Wishes. Reality. in which a new musical direction with a fair bit of clean vocals and an all together toned down brutality was presented. However, in 2010 Timecry realized they had strayed too far from their original intentions and decided to return to a style of music more closely resembling the style introduced on their self-titled EP.
The Roy - Vocals|David - Guitar|Simon - Guitar|Jakob - Bass|Daniel - Drums|
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