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Timid Tiger
Timid Tiger pictures
Timid Tiger biography
Timid Tiger songs
Timid Tiger albums
What’s this all about, anyway? Well, Timid Tiger’s more than a band.
Ignoring all of the boundaries that are in place to keep all this beautiful music divided. Proofing that all these superficial divisons are an illusion. Mixing genres and switching styles like we want. Using selected live-drums and biggo beats, a bouquet of electric guitars, bouncing bass lines and a whole handfull of analog synthesized bling bling.
From dusty 60’s beats and shady 70’s grooves to catchy 80s keyboards and contemporary hip-hop electronicas. From old to new school.
A passion for music. Doin our own Songs, Remixes, Mash-Ups and more. Live on stage as a band, or in the club as a DJ-team using a bunch of live-instruments.
This is all happening in our studios in Cologne, Amsterdam and Tamil Nadu.
Welcome to Timid Tiger. Wango Wango!!!
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