Triarii is a German martial industrial act. They combine martial industrial with neo-classical and even neo-military pop.|The name of the group comes from Latin: The Triarii (Latin singular: triarius) was the third standard line of infantry of the Roman Republic’s army. Its name is related to the Latin word tres (“three”), ultimately derived from Proto-Indo-European *trei-. When suffering defeat, the first and second lines, the Hastati and Principes, fell back on the Triarii to attempt to reform the line and allow for a counter attack or withdrawal of the other lines. Because falling back on the Triarii was an act of desperation, to mention “falling on the Triarii” (“ad triarios rediisse”) became a common Roman phrase indicating one to be in a desperate situation. To be the officer of the triarii was an honor. It made the individual one of the best men in the legion. |