The Ian Carey Project is a side-project of house DJ Ian Carey.|Carey grew up in a small town in Maryland, USA about 2 hours from Washington DC. He had been exposed to music at a young age, as his father was a live sound engineer and ran a sound reinforcement company and had engineered for such groups as Kool & The Gang and The Duke Ellington Orchestra.|Carey became involved with dance music while in college. He had already experimented with the graffiti-writing scene in Baltimore, MD, where he met a number of hip-hop DJs, which led to him becoming involved in DJing. He was also introduced to house music while working at a record store.|Carey’s first self-produced single was “Rise” which went gold in the UK, which influenced Carey to move to England.|The most notable achievement of the project so far is the 2008 house/electronic hit “Get Shaky”, which has been on the Australian ARIA Singles Chart for 11 weeks, debuting at #65 and peaking at #2. The track also spent 12 weeks in the ARIA dance charts, peaking at #1. |